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“Efficient Finance and Accounting Operation : IFRS Best Practices and Updates *
الجودة 12-10-2023 12:56 مساء
European Quality1f310 for Training and Management Consultancy invites you to participate in the confirmed training program1f4a1
“Efficient Finance and Accounting Operation : IFRS Best Practices and Updates *

To be held in Munich the period from 28-07-2024 to 01-08-2024


https://europeanqualitytc.com/en/view.php?id=740&ev=114167%2FEfficient-Finance-and-Accounting-Operations%3A-IFRS-Best-Practices-and-Updates%2FFinance-and-Accounting-Training-Courses%2FMunich&fbclid=IwAR1YjHJPJYfBH-TS9XgHTR5wIt52PLl7KhoD-cjkoEEpSfgm7eHEct8e-kAFor more information, please visit the following link


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