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Personality tests

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Personality tests

Personality tests There are two major types of personality tests, projective and objective. Projective tests assume pe ..

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تاريخ الإنضمام : 08-09-2021
رقم العضوية : 77
المشاركات : 30
الجنس : ذكر
قوة السمعة : 10
الاعجاب : 0
موقعي : زيارة موقعي
14-02-2023 07:13 مساء
Personality tests
There are two major types of personality tests, projective and objective.
Projective tests assume personality is primarily unconscious and assess individuals by how they respond to an ambiguous stimulus, such as an ink blot. Projective tests have been in use for about 60 years and continue to be used today. Examples of such tests include the Rorschach test and the Thematic Apperception Test.
The Rorschach Test involves showing an individual a series of note cards with ambiguous ink blots on them. The individual being tested is asked to provide interpretations of the blots on the cards by stating everything that the ink blot may resemble b*ased on their personal interpretation. The therapist then analyzes their responses. Rules for scoring the test have been covered in manuals that cover a wide variety of characteristics such as content, originality of response, l*ocation of "perceived images" and several other factors. Using these specific scoring m*ethods, the therapist will then attempt to relate test responses to attributes of the individual's personality and their unique characteristics.[51] The idea is that unconscious needs will come out in the person's response, e.g. an aggressive person may see images of destruction.
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The Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) involves presenting individuals with vague pictures/scenes and asking them to tell a story b*ased on what they see. Common examples of these "scenes" include images that may suggest family relationships or specific situations, such as a father and son or a man and a woman in a bedroom.[52] Responses are analyzed for common themes. Responses unique to an individual are theoretically meant to indicate underlying thoughts, processes, and potentially conflicts present within the individual. Responses are believed to be directly linked to unconscious motives. There is very little empirical evidence available to support these m*ethods.[53]
Objective tests assume personality is consciously accessible and that it can be measured by self-report questionnaires. Research on psychological assessment has generally found objective tests to be more valid and reliable than projective tests. Critics have pointed to the Forer effect to suggest some of these appear to be more accurate and discriminating than they really are. Issues with these tests include false reporting because there is no way to tell if an individual is answering a question honestly or accurately.
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The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (also known as the MBTI) is self-reporting questionnaire b*ased on Carl Jung's Type theory.[54][12] However, the MBTI modified Jung's theory into their own by disregarding certain processes held in the unconscious mind and the impact these have on personality.
Personality theory assessment criteria
Verifiability – the theory should be formulated in such a way that the concepts, suggestions and hypotheses involved in it are defined clearly and unambiguously, and logically related to each other.
Heuristic value – to what extent the theory stimulates scientists to conduct further research.
Internal consistency – the theory should be free from internal contradictions.
Economy – the fewer concepts and assumptions required by the theory to explain any phenomenon, the better it is Hjelle, Larry (1992). Personality Theories: Basic Assumptions, Research, and Applications.
Psychology has traditionally defined personality through its behavioral patterns, and more recently with neuroscientific studies of the brain. In recent years, some psychologists have turned to the study of inner experiences for insight into personality as well as individuality. Inner experiences are the thoughts and feelings to an immediate phenomenon. Another term used to define inner experiences is qualia. Being able to understand inner experiences assists in understanding how humans behave, act, and respond. Defining personality using inner experiences has been expanding due to the fact that solely relying on behavioral principles to explain one's character may seem incomplete. Behavioral m*ethods allow the subject to be observed by an observer, whereas with inner experiences the subject is its own observer
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m*ethods measuring inner experience
Des c r i p tive experience sampling (DES): Developed by psychologist Russel Hurlburt. This is an idiographic m*ethod that is used to help examine inner experiences. This m*ethod relies on an introspective technique that allows an individual's inner experiences and characteristics to be described and measured. A beep notifies the subject to record their experience at that exact moment and 24 hours later an interview is given b*ased on all the experiences recorded. DES has been used in subjects that have been diagnosed with schizophrenia and depression. It has also been crucial to studying the inner experiences of those who have been diagnosed with common psychiatric diseases.
Articulated thoughts in stimulated situations (ATSS): ATSS is a

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Understanding Personality Disorders Exploring the Spectrum of Human Behavior غلا بنت الحاربي
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